act two, chapter two: i am.. an addict
my name is reef wilkins marley..
and i am an addict..

ive said it
and NOTHING has changed..
this opening up to public thing is shit!!

but it is true..
i am an addict..
no im not a druggie
im not an alcoholic
i dont even like the taste of alcohol let alone that it is a sin..
shame on you if you a muslim and still have the audacity to drink!!
i smoke, yeah.. sue me!!
i do too much of "people watching" for my own good..
but hey, inspiration comes best when it comes in the form of your mistakes.. not mine..
i didnt tell you to dress like that..
or to have a face that resembles a horse..
wise man said: a fool learns from his own mistake, a genius from another's.. forget those who dont learn at all..
but what is really disturbing (to others, i dont give a damn really)..
is that i am addicted to series..
a-hell-lot of series..

i can go nuts if an episode gets postponed..
or delayed..
id freak!!
id feel like a whole week of wait has been wasted!!
yeahh.. sure id just go watch sumthing else..
but i didnt get to watch what i wanted to..
what i really, REALLY wanted to..
i alwaes get these thoughts that, if i die before next week..
i wont get to noe what happens next..
how it all ends..

its soo bad that i fear that most about death..

dear god!!
please dont take me before i find out what happens in the next episode..

my name is reef wilkins marley
i am an addict

