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The world through my eyes
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Excuse me??
Click Play and Dance
chapter twenty: return of the tyrant
ok soo..im back.. *trumpet sounds* big deal!! right?? well actually.. if you think about it.. it is a HUGE deal.. colossal in fact.. cause now.. im around to invade and ruin your lives.. im gonna bug you soo bad.. just because i like it.. just because i miss doing it.. buckle up.. im back.. and comin-at-cha... Labels: for use of better word, pornstar dailies chapter nineteen: intermission
whoa!!what a week.. and this is just the begining of the ride.. now things start to get fun.. its SHOWTIME baby.. god i love performing.. i love nothing better.. i was made to do this.. i just love it when i noe the watching crowd is impressed.. this sense of excitement.. sense of belong.. just explodes deep within my chest.. and this is one feeling that i dont try to suppress.. i share it.. the more i give.. the more i want to give.. but there is a down side too.. i can feel it when im not impressive.. when everything i do.. sums up to the grand total of nothing.. do you noe how bloody depressing that is?? i bet you have no idea... the thrill ride begins.. teaser baby.. lets go.. and please.. let yourself go.. set loose.. we will tear the ring apart.. i promise you.. i wont hold back anymore.. nothing to lose.. in it to win it right?? one time baby.. just one more.. dream come true!! chubbs.. i miss you soo terribly.. i dont care if the whole world noes.. noes how much i love you.. because i do.. come.. gimme a hug.. *hugs* Labels: for use of better word, pornstar dailies chapter eighteen: hiatus
ok..lets keep this simple shall we.. im leaving.. in the morning of 8th october.. for Bintan,Indonesia.. returning on 14th october.. dunno what time.. cant remember.. wont be here staying too long though.. cause on 16th october.. im headed to Bali,Indonesia.. till 26th october.. so dont be an ass while im away.. dont leave taggs and expect me to reply anytime soon.. but do tagg anywae.. im sure there are friends out there willing to ash their tongues out at you and your crap.. so please.. do your worst.. lets party!! Labels: for use of better word, pornstar dailies chapter seventeen: i smell blood
sheish..another accident in the sacred training hall.. blood was in the air tonite.. red and thick.. everything happened soo fast.. one second.. everything was smooth and quiet.. next second.. few of the weaker gender started panicking.. shiny stainless steel blade came into contact with bony human forehead.. idiots.. werent they paying attention?? hello!! you are handling a weapon for crying out loud.. yes it is made blunt for safety reasons.. but damn.. it is still a weapon.. use your brains.. if you argue that you dont have one.. at least use your freaking eyes.. what luck.. at this phase of competitions.. just two daes away from in-camp.. and we oreadi see blood.. goodness noes what will happen later.. good luck!! you'll need it.. ok soo i'll be away soon.. for quite awhile actually.. dont noe when i can blog again.. dont noe if i'll find out who my "unknown" taggers are.. its only a matter of time huh?? Labels: for use of better word, pornstar dailies chapter seventeen: pornstar's hyper tease
so it begins...just two more weeks of this and im through.. no more major events.. for the year at least.. after this.. i have one last game.. to curtain calls for year 2008.. closing event should be a breeze.. compared to this one.. right boys?? distractions-distractions.. coming from all angles aint it?? too much.. too fast.. when all seems to go well.. everything sets on a downward spiral... and when you were just starting to see the our smiles.. our rare smiles.. smiles of satisfaction... all is taken away.. is this another of your test, dear god?? come people.. lets pray.. dear god.. i love you.. i thank you that you have blessed me all my life... i realize my position in your greatness.. for i am but a speck.. tiny.. but for you are gracious.. listen to my plea.. i am nothing without you blessing.. dear god.. i soo badly want to win.. and i realize that no matter how hard.. and how much i try.. dear god.. please.. grant me my one dire wish.. help me win.. let me win.. i am ever so gratefull to you.. you are the omnipotent.. and you are the giver of gifts.. i pray to you in my most humbled state.. i pray to you in the eye of the public.. i am nothing.. nothing without you.. dear god.. listen to my plea.. amin.. Labels: for use of better word, pornstar dailies poetry in motion: love story
dark quiet nightsshame to nights where even stars cant shine sky gazing in self denial for that one star to shine the one star that i wish to make mine.. on the darkest hour of my night i wish i may, i wish i might to feel you one last to feel your heart, beat hard against my chest to match you, breath for breath to hold yours, at our finger tips to join lips, a lasting memory only ours to keep can this not be just a silent dream but be the one perfect story a story of love a blessed onus from heavens above Labels: cut throat suicide chapter sixteen: procrastination
soo..life is starting to suck lately... im leaving the country this coming wednesdae.. its GOLDFISH's birthdae to boot.. not that i celebrate it.. but she might.. and i love to go out with her sumtimes... what a riot... actually.. she is more of the victim of my abuse.. so anywae.. yeah.. i be leaving soon.. too soon.. too long.. right <3.... i am gonna miss you soo much.. of late.. i have this unsetting feeling at heart.. i noe the reason.. i noe the cause.. but one does hope it is of one's imagination.. of one's own paranoid mind.. one does hope.. and pray to god all is still well... everything else seems mundane.. nothing seems to equate as much.. it has sat heavy on my mind.. what luck.. such bad timing.. god help me!! even blogging has lost its flavour and flare.. not unknown nor hate taggers can entice my mood.. as a matter of fact.. it just dempers my mood... maybe what SNOW WHITE said is true.. maybe going away for awhile is a good thing.. get my mind off things.. hard.. but yeah.. i really should focus on my game.. bring my A-game to the forefront of my life.. for the time being at least.. get a grip kid!! Labels: for use of better word, pornstar dailies chapter sixteen: just another regular dae
just like that..fasting season draws to a quiet close.. it all seems soo fast.. now beach games are drawing even closer.. i can almost feel the burning Bali sun.. taste the ocean salt in the air.. maybe its just my imagination.. but.. hey.. im just trying to paint you a picture yaa... im not in the mood for celebration and festivities.. one.. ive never realy been into Aidilfitri.. two.. it just aint the right time.. three.. i have a major event coming up.. four.. i have to rush some stuff for my newly enrolled school.. ok so the last one is on me.. my fault that i choose to sit on the task.. i deserve this.. but the rest.. its really out of my hands right?? so i need a favour.. give me a little more room then you are used too ok?? except for the loves of my life.. i still need you around on a regular basis.. and ouh.. miss chubbs.. you noe i love you right?? just checking.. Labels: for use of better word, pornstar dailies |